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Procurement Management

Procurement Management

Elektraweb Purchasing Management is a module that tracks and manages the entire operation from the department order until the delivery.

  • Detailed Approval Definitions Suitable for Branched Businesses
  • Approval Flow Management by Warehouses, Stocks or Total Amount
  • Purchase Price Agreements
  • Intelligent Demand Generation System
  • Stock Demand Entry
  • Demand Splitting Join Operations
  • Automated Vendor Selection to Get Quotation
  • Sending Offer Request Emails with One Click
  • Seller Offer Entry Opportunity on Portal
  • Automatic Transfer of Price Quotations to the System from Excel
  • Bid Comparison Analysis
  • Automatic Selection of Optimal Bids
  • Approval Process with Automatic Mailler
  • Ability to Give Approvals via Mail
  • Approval from Mobile Devices
  • With the message system, you can ask questions and get answers 
  • Sending of order mails with one click
  • Creating Waybill/Invoice directly from the order,
  • Partial delivery tracking
  • Price Agreement Detail Analysis
  • Purchasing Situation Analysis
  • Purchase Offer Analysis
New Purchase Request
New Purchase Request

Requests are sent by departments to the warehouse and if it is in stock it is transferred to the department. If it is not in stock the purchasing processes is started by pressing the approval key.

If the amount wanted on the request bill is not available, the amount allocated (available in the warehouse) will be written and with the transfer allocated key the amount present in the warehouse is transferred to a new request bill

There can be more than one row on the request bill. In situations like this the stock to be delivered will be selected and with the transfer selected key a transfer bill will be created within a new request bill.

Requests List
Requests List

It is the list where all users can track their requests. This way users get to see what state their request is in through the system.

Purchasing Analyses
Purchasing Analyses

Analyses all Purchasing request made in the system. Can create a report with the drag and drop method for the dates chosen. This report can be saved and used in the same way every time.

Price Agreements
Price Agreements

In this section you can see the price agreements made with different companies. To add a new agreement the “add” key is pressed, the new company is selected and it is defined which product has been agreed upon. Thanks to this when choosing a purchasing option, marking and selecting contracts is made faster.

Purchasing Status
Purchasing Status

On this screen you can view the status list. The system manages what status approved requests will be seen as, what status they will be shown as when sending it back from the information here. It gives businesses the option to revise it according to their needs

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